eBooks have gained immense popularity over the last two decades. It is estimated that a whopping 191 million eBooks were sold in the United States in 2020 alone. This means the best time to be an eBook author is now.
Writing and selling a successful eBook is easier said than done. Many first-time writers struggle with this task before eventually giving up. There is no secret to success in the eBook industry. However, the following steps should be useful for anyone looking to learn how to create an ebook that sells.
Step 1: Write Your eBook Content
The first step is to create your eBook content. This includes many different tasks such as:
Choosing Your Topic
Start by thinking of a topic to write on. This could be an area where you possess expertise, or have a keen interest. You will generally have an easier time writing about a topic you are already knowledgeable on.
Choose a Great Title
Once you know which topic you will be writing on, you should come up with a great title for your eBook. This title should be catchy and memorable, as these qualities can help with promotion.
For example, you may be tempted to call an eBook about eating healthy “How to Eat Healthy”. However, a more eye-catching title would be “How I Lost 20 lbs in a Month”.
Write the eBook
You can then start working on your eBook’s content. Each writer has their own writing routine, so it’s difficult to say what works for everyone. However, you should strive to work on your eBook as frequently as possible. This will help you maintain your focus and keep a consistent writing style.
It may help to create a fixed writing schedule to stay on track with completing your eBook. This schedule should also allow for some holidays to help you stave off burnout.
Some entrepreneurs also use eBook writing services when they need assistance with finishing their eBook. You should hire eBook writers if you know what information you would like to convey, but do not possess good writing skills.
Step 2: How to Create an eBook: Complete the Formatting
Most readers will be paying attention to the message you are trying to convey in your eBook. However, they may have trouble reading through it if it is poorly formatted. You should ensure the font in your eBook is consistent and that paragraphs consist of easy-to-read sentences.
Step 3: Proofread Your Work
The writing process typically goes fastest when you put thoughts to paper without thinking twice. However, this approach may also result in spelling mistakes, incorrect words, and sentences that flow poorly. This is why it is always vital to proofread your work.
Some writers prefer to proofread their work once they are done with the entire eBook. However, a better approach may be to review your content after completing each chapter. This approach will help you pick out mistakes and errors faster, instead of leaving proofreading to the last minute.
Step 4: Create or Find the Right Cover
Writers often overlook the importance of an eBook cover. However, it plays a vital role in promotion and marketing. Your eBook’s cover will be the first thing readers notice when scrolling through eBook lists, so it is vital to get it right.
A well-made eBook cover conveys professionalism and helps you appear as an authority on your written topic. Some strategies for creating a good eBook cover include:
- Using contrasting colors for the title and background.
- Using a large font for the title.
- Including original images instead of stock photos.
Step 5: Convert Your Book into a Digital Format
Most eBooks are created using word processing software. However, they are generally converted into an e-reader friendly format such as MOBI or ePub before being sold online.
You should convert your eBook into MOBI format if you intend to sell it on Amazon. Other retailers such as Kobo and Barnes & Noble accept eBooks in ePub format. Once you have converted your eBook, you should ensure the formatting is clean and consistent.
It’s not uncommon for paragraphs or images to be displaced when converting a word processing file into another format, so you should look over each page carefully.
Step 6: Create a Website
Once your eBook is complete, the next step is to promote and sell it. A great way to market your eBook is by setting up a website. This website should feature a homepage that shows your book cover, a brief outline or plot synopsis, and positive reviews from readers.
Your website should also include an online store that accepts a variety of payment methods. You can also use this store to sell other merchandise or products related to your eBook.
Step 7: Promotion
There are numerous ways to promote your eBook. One great approach is to create blogs or guest posts on your website. These could be blogs or posts related to your eBook or the topic it is about. You can look for various examples of content writing related to eBook promotion for assistance with this.
You can also promote your eBook on different social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. It may help to include social media sharing buttons on your eBook website to help build interest on these platforms.
Step 8: Monitor Your Sales
Once your eBook is up for sale, you should monitor its sales closely. An eBook that doesn’t see at least a small uptick in sales in the first two months may be suffering from poor marketing. You should review your marketing strategy and revise it accordingly.
Final Thoughts
As you can see, a lot of work goes into creating and selling an eBook. The steps mentioned above can help you with this process greatly. However, the real secret to success is to never give up.