11 Simple Ways to Write a Blog Post Like a Pro

Write a Blog PostFinding the best ways to write a blog post is the first step to becoming a great writer.

When the blogging culture was still in its initial stages in the early 1990s, it was entirely in the hands of individuals. People had found a way to share their thoughts and express their opinions globally. The internet had become the world’s journal.

However, businesses slowly started using blogging as a means to market their products. A whole field was born out of businesses that needed to sell online.

Now, blogs are written by people and organizations and share analyses, criticisms, instructions, and all shine light on all aspects of the niche they belong to.

53% of digital marketing experts say that blogging is their top content marketing strategy. This makes it very clear that blogging done right creates a healthy brand image, and generates a lot of traffic for websites.

However, having so many AI writing tools available in the market, creating engaging blog posts has become a lot more challenging, given the quality and diversity of content one needs to put out to grab a reader’s attention.

Nonetheless, there are some techniques that anyone can use to create top-notch content.

Write a Blog Post Like a Pro: Let’s Dive In

#1 Understand Your Audience

Understanding to whom you’re trying to connect to is one of the most critical aspects of blogging – it dictates the overall style and structure of the blog, and helps you decipher exactly what your reader is looking for.

The tone and density of content about, say, parenting will differ from how you blog about cars.

You need to delve into their psyche and discern what exactly they expect from a blog they’re reading.

Blogging is creating and catering content for different audience personas. It is considered the most effective tactic by marketing firms across the globe.

If your post highlights the best baby care products, make sure you review the products with the readers’ needs in mind. In this case, writing a section about a baby’s needs and how parents can find the right products will help you connect to your audience on a very personal level.

It is then highly likely that these readers convert to customers.

Creating content that adds value to your readers’ lives, regardless of what you’re writing about, will add credibility to your brand.

Staying genuine, and putting out fresh posts consistently will make a huge difference in how online audiences appraise you.

#2 Generate Evergreen Content

All content is time-sensitive to some degree. However, when you’re in the initial process of finding ideas for a post, you must aim to write rich content – content that will hold its value years after it’s put up.

To accomplish this, you need to prepare yourself and get in the right mindset before you start to write a blog post. Before you begin, take a few minutes to analyze your idea and come up with a few key points that you can expand on.

Asking questions about the idea for a post is a great way to find these key points. Ask yourself questions like:

  • How do I get my reader’s attention in the first two lines while keeping content relevant?
  • How will X product impact daily life?
  • What parameters should my reader consider before buying any product?

Answers to these questions are bound to increase the density and quality of what you write.

Also, you must know how in-depth you want your post to be. The depth of your content is limited by what you’re writing about, and how long or short you want the post to be.

Since people are bombarded by content whenever they’re online, you must put out the best.

Content that’s easy to read and difficult to ignore, so they keep coming back to you.

The structure of the post must be curated in a way that ideas flow together in harmony.

Dividing your post into themes and sub-themes, and connecting the post crisply will make it easier for your audience to understand what you’re going for right from the get-go.

#3 Write Attractive Headlines, Headings, and Subheadings

A headline is what gives your readers a roadmap to your post. They instantly know what to expect and rely on you to deliver.

You don’t want to confuse your reader once they’re hooked – therefore, having a brief and crisp intro, followed by to-the-point heading and subheadings, will pique your reader’s interest.

The headline doesn’t have to be extravagant or clickbaity – these tactics only work in certain situations, and you won’t be as genuine. Only then, people will be able to perceive your exact style and identify your brand.

However, the headline needs to be magnetic. Eight out of every ten people only read the headline – therefore, only a captivating and compelling headline will get them to read your post.

It must be compelling, and someone looking for a solution, a recommendation, or just something to read must be excited to read the next sentence.

Whenever you write a blog post, cut right to the chase and make the most of the first few lines. Also, ensure that the headings fully capture what you’re trying to convey.

#4 Use the Skyscraper Technique for Existing Content

When you create and put out polished content, not only does it add value to the reader’s lives, it also has the potential to increase your blogs’ visibility and reputation.

The skyscraper technique increases your ranking on search engines. It is done by getting your posts linked from other websites.

Writing great posts is just half of a blogger’s job – you must also be able to leverage the quality content you create to boost your status online.

Quality content, which is meticulously targeted and filled with the right phrases and keywords, is bound to be backlinked by other sites.

Putting in the time and effort to apply the skyscraper technique is worth it since there is much potential for incredible results.

#5 Use a conversational tone

When writing a blog, it is easy to get carried away and write disjointed posts. A well-written blog involves and engages the reader and makes them feel like they’re bound to find a solution.

The only way to involve people on this level is to write a blog post as you speak. Keeping a conversational tone will ensure that you have readers’ attention and that they’re engaged from start to finish.

A blog post should not just inform, but also entertain – else it is too bland for someone to read. Avoid writing like an academician or a businessperson – the idea is to connect with ease, and not get lost in technical jargon.

Write your post in a casual tone. Have an invigorating chat with your audience, only then will you get their attention and interest.

#6 Talk to your audience like a friend

Academic writers find this more challenging to do since they’re used to writing formally.

However, a blogger is not bound by rules and does not need to use a formal tone every single time.

Overcoming the barrier between a formal write-up and a casual section is as easy as using ‘you’ and ‘I’ more often. It makes the post read congenially.

Referring to your audience in this way will engage them on a deeper, more intimate level.

Write as you would talk in real life – it will help you better garner the interest of your audience.

#7 Optimize your Blog Posts

Although putting out high-quality posts will give your brand credibility, it is not enough.

The content you put out must be SEO optimized so more people can see it. Exposure makes your brand more authentic. Here are some things you can do:

  • You must use keywords, but not stuff your posts with them. This increases your SEO rating and will fetch you more views.
  • Optimize the images you use on your blog. Unnecessarily large images make your blog slower to load.
  • Give readers an option to subscribe to your blog.
  • Link your posts to each other.
  • Link to your social media – exposure is critical when building a brand! You need to make sure people know who you are.

#8 Using Parallelisms

Parallelism may sound like a technical term, but it is merely balancing the sentences with the same grammatical structure.

Parallelly written sentences enhance readability and improve the structure of your paragraphs.

When used correctly, parallel writing gives unique fluidity to your piece. Here’s a simple example

David enjoys listening to pop, rock, and classical music.

David likes to listen to pop and rock. He also listens to classical music.

The first sentence flows perfectly, without any hindrance, and is easier to read than the second one.

Parallel writing makes your content easy to consume and helps communicate ideas effectively.

#9 Add Rich Content to Your Blog

Don’t be afraid to break some barriers. Online audiences are always hungry for new content with refreshing approaches.

Use videos, graphs, charts, tables, images – whatever you need to convey your ideas effectively. Make sure you add relevant links to your other posts. Inbound links can increase retention rates. Also, add genuine outbound links that increase the value of your blog post.

These elements, coupled with invigorating writing, make for a very appealing and engaging post.

Having the right balance between effective writing and search engine optimized content is key to your blogs’ success.

#10 Add Stats, Reports, Links and Infographics

Stating facts blandly is not enough to hook your reader. You must find relevant stats and present them where they fit.

Stats are attractive – and having researched figures linked and highlighted in your content is a great way to get the reader hooked.

Numbers make for better credibility since they make the blog look professionally finished. They also add to the narrative of the post.

#11 Avoid writing fluff 

Only write what is necessary, and keep your point in mind when you’re writing, so you don’t deviate from the subject.

More is not always better, and having a lot of irrelevant content will affect the quality of your post. If your post is full of fluff, readers will get annoyed and stop reading.

Your blog post should be loaded with relevant and useful information. Online competition is fierce, and more and more people are putting out better and more refined content. Readers, therefore, have many expectations when they’re online.

Stay on point, and do not worry too much about length. If you have to add to the range, add more relevant sections that add value to the post.

Wrapping Up: Other Things to Keep in Mind whenever You Write a Blog Post

Blogging is a significant marketing strategy, and for a good reason. Blogs are highly effective at reaching target audiences and also existing customers and informing them about new and upgraded products and services.

Another reason why blogging is so highly regarded is that it respects the ethics of business. It supplies correct details about the quality of products and services while adding value to the reader’s lives in the form of an informative and engaging post.

However, the market is now very saturated and even the biggest of businesses must tackle a lot of competition to reach their customers.

Therefore, putting out high-quality, up-to-date content is critical for your blog’s success. You must add value to your customers’ lives before they convert from readers and visitors to paying customers.

Don’t overthink it or be afraid of putting out content. Writing blog posts is a lot like driving. You can read as much as you want about it, but the only real way to learn is by getting behind the wheel.

Make sure you read other people’s blog posts. This will help you keep up with trends, understand where the market is headed, and stay informed of the moves your competition is making.

Once you apply all of these guidelines, your blog will transform into a powerful content machine.

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