How to Blog: a Complete Guide for College Students

A blog is an incredibly convenient way to save and share your beliefs and notions with the world. As a college student, you might find it incredibly useful to start a blog.


First of all, it develops your ability to formulate your own thoughts and the skills of composing a finished text.

A neat part of having a blog as a college student is that you can talk about any topic. Be it your political commentary on the state of the government or a simple reflection on your college student experience.

Nobody is stopping you from discussing any topic that interests you, because it’s not an assignment from your teacher.

No matter why blog you want to create, having a blog and regularly updating it will benefit you. In addition to basic skills, you’ll also develop a knack for just about anything in your life critically and objectively.

Additionally, bit by bit, you’ll start to gather your own group of readers that enjoy your blog posts. It’s an amazing opportunity to get to know some interesting and like-minded people either online or in-person!

Ultimately, you’ll become a much more interesting person, because you’ll have many more developed ideas and opinions. So, if you’re a college student, we definitely urge you to go through with creating a college student blog.

However, don’t just jump in blindly and start scribbling away everything that comes into your mind. There are some things you should know before starting to do anything towards your college student blog.

how to blog

1. Decide on the Main Theme

Which topics make you want to talk on and on about?

Take a deep look inside of yourself and figure it out (if you haven’t already done so). If you don’t have a collection of topics or themes that you’re obsessed with, you might want to wait a bit. Don’t start a college student blog if you don’t have a defined area of topics to write about.

Why not?

Because very quickly, you’ll run out of things to say and stop maintaining your student college blog. If you’re having trouble coming up with a pool of themes for your college student blog, make it about your life.

Simply talk about the things that happen to you from day-to-day, and how they make you feel. Although it might not seem like much, it can inspire you to continue blogging heavily about other things.

2. Don’t Forget — You’re Posting to a Web Page

Remember, you’re creating a college student blog and that means a couple of things. Firstly, you don’t have to be the best essay writer  to do this kind of thing. There are many people online who write with numerous grammatical mistakes, and your lexical mistake in one place is nothing.

So, don’t let such though discourage you from creating your own college student blog.

Secondly, you’re not writing an academic paper — there are many more tools available at your disposal to supplement your text. You can insert videos, photos, graphs, hyperlinks, even interactive areas!

You have a lot of options when it comes to making your college student blog more interesting and engaging.

3. Get an Account on Free Hosting Service

As you’re a beginner in this, we don’t recommend you to immediately buy a domain for the college student blog. Multiple great platforms will allow you to create your college student blog for absolutely free. It’s usually how all blogging beginners start before moving on to create their own websites or write for established online magazines.

If you see the number of followers for your blog is steadily increasing, only then start thinking about possible developments. Only if the follower base is solid start thinking about paying to create a website for the college student blog.

Before that moment comes, you should be completely satisfied with the offerings from free services. For a college student blog, that should be more than enough.

4. Keep to a Schedule and Don’t Let It Become Overwhelming

After you put up your initial text for the college student blog, you’ll have issues with continuing to maintain it. That’s exactly why you should always write about things that inspire and motivate you. Without that flair, you’ll immediately stop creating content.

Also, make sure to create a schedule for yourself. Without any kind of goal, you’ll start to meander and procrastinate. With a defined goal (for example, one post a week), you’ll be much more productive. Being consistent is what also attracts readers, so having a schedule pays off considerably.

Nonetheless, you still have to be realistic with your expectations for the college student blog. Don’t set a crazy goal like one post a day on your college student blog. Conceptualizing an idea, creating arguments, structuring your words, putting everything into words is hard work.

So, don’t create stress for yourself just because you can’t keep up with your unrealistic expectations.

5. Let Your Posts Be Conversation-Like

Once again, you’re not writing academic papers, which is why you shouldn’t rely on every writing concept taught to you. In college, you were taught a very specific type of writing — academic writing. It’s not the way novels nor college students’ blog posts are written.

Posts usually resemble a conversation or a short, concise speech. You can make various remarks, not follow the “pure” structure of the text as closely and inject emotional phrases.

Also, you want to be as economical with the way you write as possible. People usually don’t look for a 30-minute read on a college student blog

6. Stay Relevant

Adding posts to your college student blog isn’t enough to intrigue your audience and make them stay. Apart from more usual posts about your personal life and impressions, you can talk about news and recent developments. Of course, you must stay within the defined pool of topics for your college student blog.

You can also make use of hashtags to have your posts pop up to people search certain topics. This is a great way to stay relevant and even attract new readers to your college student blog. Although it might seem like you’re reacting to the same developments as other people, remember — your ideas are unique.

So, don’t be afraid to cover something that happened recently, which is also related to your college student blog

7. Do Your Research

Never make a statement you’re not sure about, always check your facts. With the help of Google, doing this becomes incredibly easy, but many bloggers and even journalists don’t do it properly. One of the most embarrassing things as a poster is when you have to delete your post due to factual inaccuracies.

To avoid this, simply do a quick search on the web. However, search and read through a couple of sources. Preferably, if they’re well-known and trusted sources. Doing the research process justice will exclude the possibility of you having to delete your post.

It’s Great Fun

Now that you know of all the beginner’s aspects for posting online, you should go through with it. Creating and maintain your personal college student blog is utterly fun and extremely rewarding. Just take a stab at it, and you’ll see how addicting writing truly is.

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