The Most Relevant Quarantine Business Ideas That Really Work During a Pandemic

quarantine business ideasThere is no doubt that the economic effect of the pandemic has hit many industries with a significant impact. However, it must be said that not all is doom and gloom in the economic world, as there are sectors that seem to be doing pretty well, despite the lockdown. Huge numbers of people are working from home or have been laid off.

This has naturally boosted the world of online shopping and remote service providers. If you find yourself having extra time and the impetus to try yourself at a business idea to make money on the side, this might be a great time to shoot your shot.

A side hustle does not have to be mainly oriented at making money. It could be focused on helping people during these challenging times.

You could think of something to help people in risk groups. For example, provide them with services to make easier grocery shopping, teach people skills, or provide mental health support. In this article, we will outline what we think are some great quarantine business ideas to start from home.

Relevant Quarantine Business Ideas During the Pandemic 

Online Lessons/Podcasts

Maybe you have expertise in any field or even a knack for entertaining people? You could turn it into a way of helping people. Online lectures, podcasts, and webinars have become very popular.

This is due to the fact that many people spend most of their time at home. Most educational institutions are closed down, and students have to catch up on their studies through online means.

If you have something to offer in that regard, why not fill this gap? If you are skilled in something and are looking for a business idea with low capital, online education may be the perfect choice to try.

Even if your skill is humor, the world could definitely use some quality entertainment during these times. It should be noted that successful podcasts are known to make a good amount of money in the long run. 

Developing Mobile Apps/Games 

Almost everyone in the western world owns a smart device of some sort. Therefore, the number of apps is going through the roof. This is not in vain, because even one successful app or game can make the developers enormous amounts of money.

Surely the competition is stiff, but if you have a great idea for an app – that is all that counts. You might think that it takes a lot of know-how to get into the industry. But really, it is not all too difficult.

There are various tools that make developing apps and games for beginners very simple. Just after a few weeks, you are ready to start getting into the developmental process. As mentioned, successful mobile apps and games oftentimes succeed because the idea behind them is great.

But sometimes because they are technical marvels. One of such games is Jungle Jim. Be sure to check it out for some inspiration. Creating a mobile game is a great business idea for students or adults who are inclined to keep up to date with what is hip in the tech world. 

Delivery Services 

During coronavirus, quarantine business ideas related to third-party food delivery have been keeping a lot of gig economy workers employed. Many consumers, especially the elderly and others in high-risk groups, have been needing more takeout meals on the regular.

Such third-party delivery services take care of delivering food, medicine, groceries, and a variety of other items to people who may not be able or inclined to make the journey themselves.

As long as we are going to be in lockdown, business ideas that provide such services to people are very likely to stay in high demand. Whether you open up your own delivery service or start working for an existing one, it is sure to provide you with extra income and give help to people in need.

Delivery guy

Freelance Design and Copywriting

Every business company needs to have public relevance. This is usually done via blogs, articles, and social media posts. Companies oftentimes hire freelance workers to do these tasks for you. If you have some know-how about writing or visual design, copywriting could prove to be a lucrative way to earn some side money.

In case you would need to learn these skills, know that they will stay relevant. Copywriting and image design are going to be a useful business idea after COVID-19, as it flourishes during the pandemic.

Have you ever thought of trying yourself at freelance work or setting up a company that manages freelance workers? Take this as a reminder that it could open new income avenues for you.


Online shopping has seen a steady increase due to lockdown. Nowadays, setting up an online store is easy as it can be due to services such as Shopify and Etsy.

Due to the large amounts of people who browse on these platforms, there are many potential clients for a variety of niches. Even quirky ideas seem to be able to take off if they are presented in an engaging manner.

From coffee cups with dogs printed on them to print on demand shirts with meme slogans – the ways to get rich in e-commerce are only limited by the scope of the imagination. Whether an idea will stick is a challenge that you will have to face. If you ever wanted to get into e-commerce and now have additional free time, it might be the perfect moment to realize your ideas.

A successful online store will stay a relevant business idea after lockdown, and you might find that you can quit your day job if you succeed. There are vast amounts of YouTube tutorials on how to get started with an online store, so if you decide to give e-commerce a try, know that there is surely no scarcity of how-to guides.


We hope that you enjoyed our list regarding what business ideas to start during the lockdown period. Although most news channels nowadays are filled with rather negative information, there are people who are capitalizing on the lockdown conditions. It is not all bad if you are willing to take the lemons life throws at you and make lemonade out of them.

As we live in a world where most of us have an internet connection, the means to establish extra income sources from home are certainly there. It is only up to you to give new business ideas a try. If you choose to do so, we wish you the best of luck and success in seeing them through.

In case you have any tips or insights on any quarantine business ideas that could or have worked for you during the pandemic, please share them in the comments below. We are very keen to hear your thoughts!