Blogger vs WordPress – The infinite war of two legendary blogging platforms. Obviously, both of them are great in their own right, but today I’m going to compare these two blogging platforms and tell you which one will work the best for you.
I’ll show you pros and cons of the both blogging platforms – blogger and wordpress.
And Remember, I’m going to compare blogger with (self-hosted), so it is obvious that blogger will lose in comparison of some features. Bug one thing you should not ever forget that, blogger is completely free and wordpress will cost you a few bucks every month.
In my opinion, wordpress is not necessarily better, because we have to take care of all the setup, plus ever if your blog gets ditched with a bug, you’ve to fix it yourself. This never happens when you are on blogger. The uptime of your blog depends on your host, but in blogger, your blog will never face down times. That’s the biggest benefit of blogger.
If you are newbie, and can’t pay hosting bills, then you can start with blogger, there are always option to move to wordpress later.
Blogger vs WordPress
So lets start the comparison of blogger vs wordpress. Remember, this is a comparison, not a battle or war 😉
Pros of Blogger
What makes blogger so special? Here are the reasons.
Also Read: How to Start a Blog (with Blogger)
It is a FREE Service
Blogger is completely free blogging platform, you don’t need to pay even a penny for starting a blog at blogger. You get all the features for free. The default blog will have ‘’ at end of it’s url, if you wish to remove it and get a domain for your blog, then it may cost you as little fee as 10$ per year.
Blogger has introduced lots of new features like custom robots.txt, custom redirects, custom meta description for each post and page, custom permalink and more that are blowing minds of the users. Also the new dashboard interface is ROCKING!
Also you can customize every bit of your blog, but you need to know advanced coding for that. Some people tell that blogger has limits on customization, but there are not.
See the homepage of this blog, and you’ll know it!
It is EASY
Blogger has extremely simple user interface and it is so easy to manage and operate a blogger blog. There’s only HTML and CSS coding in blogger.
In wordpress, you’ve only css and php, and that’s a pain in neck to design your blog with wordpress. Enough said 😉
Cons of Blogger
What is horrible in blogger?
You Don’t Own the Blog
Your blog is owned by Google, and Google has rights to remove it, delete it, or take it down ANYTIME without ANY NOTICE. This is the biggest disadvantage of blogger. You have to follow the terms of service of blogger to keep your blog alive. If you break any terms of service and Google notices it, then probably your blog will be removed.
There are limits
There are some limits in blogger. You’ve only 1GB space to upload your photos, after you cross the limit, you’ve to host images yourself. You can create only 10 static pages, no more than that. You can create only 2000 labels per blog and 20 labels per post. You don’t have full freedom while using blogger.
Pros of WordPress
Lets see features of WordPress:
You’re the OWNER
The biggest benefit is that you own your content and blog fully. You don’t have to fear about it’s deletion or removal. You can post anything without any restrictions on your self hosted blog. Yeah, it is other thing that if your host bans you, you may be in trouble.
Many Languages
WordPress comes with around 150+ languages. If you blog with your mother tongue, then you must choose wordpress.
Lots of Themes
Yes there are many wordpress developers around the world who make wordpress themes. There are both type of themes available for wordpress – free and premium. But premium one’s are more preferred because they come with more features, options and they are SEO optimized.
Also Read : Free WordPress Themes
Plenty of Plugins
And those developers also make plugins to enlarge functionality of your blog and make if rich with the widgets. These plugins also help to build engagement with your readers.
Cons of WordPress
Worst things with wordpress:
It is a bit hard
It is a bit hard for a newbie to manage the wordpress blog. But there’s always the wordpress forum to help you fix any problems.
Also, if you face any down times, or any little coding problems, it would be hard for a newbie to fix it.
Less Secure
WordPress self hosted blogs are less secure than blogger blogs. It is so easy for ethical hackers to hack a wordpress site. Though, there are some security plugins available but still there’s always fear of getting hacked.
That’s all!
The blogger vs wordpress comparison is now over. I hope you will now be able to choose a perfect blogging platform which fits you.
You know Jafar, I don't really care about blogger or wp. I just care if the blogger is smarter than their blog.
For me. If the owner more expert about blogspot. Just stick with it, and vice versa.
However, really nice comparison(still not great for me 😉
Keep it up, I trust you will success one day!
Talk soon,
Danial Abdul Rahim.
Hi Danial,
You are right, blogging platform doesn't matter, but blogger and blog matters.
I did my best to compile this post, but still I'm a 13 kid and even English is not my mother tongue so may you didn't like it. I'll try my best to give you best content in future.
Thanks for comment!
Hi Jafar.
Happy to see your another powerful article after a long time.
Great idea to shoot out the facts about those mighty Blogging Platform. Nice way you figured out the Pros and Cons of both of them.
My recommend WordPress for much experienced and dedicated Blogger just like you.
Let me ask you a question. If someone plans to start a micro niche Blog – Which Blogging Platform would you suggest? WordPress or Blogger?
Looking forward to hear the wonderful answer from your side.
Good luck ~ Zion Amal | BloggerDoc.
Hi Danial.
You are right. The output of the blogger just matters sometimes.
But, What do you expect from a 13 year old Blogger like Jafar?
He is doing GREAT from his age if you ask me. Age is not his mistake.
Its hard to see bloggers from his age doing affordable creations these days.
I'd highly raise my thumbs up for +Jafar! Congrats and Good work little bro! 🙂
Try don't to get dissatisfied from the unworthy of your surroundings. Keep up the good work and I know you will do great.
~ Zion Amal Rafeeq | BloggerDoc.
Hey Zion,
Thank you for your compliment. It means a lot to me.
For a micro niche blog wordpress would be better, but if you are master in coding, then no problem with blogger. Even I also use blogger for some of my microniche sites.
Hi again Jafar.
That's the perfect answer I hoped from you.
You will do good! 🙂
Good luck! 🙂
Blogger is the best. Easy and Cheap. WordPress is advance but costs a lot.
HI, Dhiraj,
Yes, blogger is cheap, but wordpress gives a lot more features at a little bit more.
BTW, I'm too a blogger fan, Cheers!