How to Use Blogger

Blogger is a very simple blogging platform. Still a lot of newbie bloggers do not know how to use Blogger the right way.

Today I’m going to cover each (top to toe) use of blogger here.

You’ll discover somethings which you even didn’t know about bloggers.

Note: I’m going to teach you the things which are in the new interface of blogger.

So let’s start!

How to Use Blogger – Overview

Overview is place where you can see the quick stats of your blog and new by blogger. See here a screenshot of RBT’s Overview in blogger.

You can open your blog’s overview in blogger by clicking on overview in the drop-down menu.

You can see graph of  Pageviews of last 5 days. You can see your comments stats too – How much comments need moderation, How much posts are in your blog, How much followers do you have, Today’s Pageviews.

Also Read: SEO Tips for 2013

It will show you the best three traffic sources of your blog under the graph.

How to Use Blogger – Posts

Posts is place to manage your blog posts. See here how does it look?

When you hover on any of the posts, You will see a quick tool-tip(as shown in screenshot).

You can Edit, View, Share or Delete your post with a single click with the tool-tip.

If you want to create a new post, Click on ‘New Post’ at left side top. It will take you to post-editor where you can make a new blog post.

By checking the posts with the box, you can even Publish, Delete or Draft multiple posts at once.

How to Use Blogger – Pages

You can open Pages in blogger by clicking on Pages in the drop-down menu.

See here a screenshot of how pages look in Blogger:

You can create pages with this section.

To create a new page, click on New page>Blank Page.

Then write up anything you want to show there and hit Publish. Your page is created.

Look at pages of RightBlogTips here: About | Contact | Subscribe | Archives

How to Use Blogger – Comments

Right after Pages, There’s comment section. You can see who commented on your blog, which needs moderation and all.

You can publish or delete comments from there.

How to Use Blogger – Google+

It is section where you can set up the default profile/page for your blog.

You have to select one from the list. When you selected one, It would be default for sharing any published posts. I mean whenever your publish a new post it will be posted on the selected profile/page.

How to Use Blogger – Stats

Stats show the right statistics of your blog’s traffic to get an estimate how much your blog is being viewed and how much you’re popular.

See this how Stats exactly look:

How to Use Blogger – Stats > Overview

When you click on Stats, you would come here.

Here you can see a quick overview of your blog’s traffic, page views, traffic sources and more.

Also Read: Best Google Adsense Alternatives

At top, there will be information about your blog’s page views. In right side you can see today’s traffic, yesterday’s traffic and traffic of this month and all time.

There is also option to disable tracking your own page views.

At bottom you can get estimate of your most viewed posts and your top 3 traffic sources.

At right side bottom you can see from where most of your visitors come.

How to Use Blogger – Stats > Posts

You can see the most popular posts and pages of your blog.

At right side top, there’s option for choosing popular posts and pages by now, day, week, month or all time.

How to Use Blogger – Stats > Traffic sources

This shows which sources are driving traffic to your blog with page views. Also it will show which keyword(or phrase) is giving you traffic from search engines.

You should keep in mind that which keyword drives you the most traffic and write more about it and generate more traffic and money 😉

How to Use Blogger – Stats > Audience

You can see from which country your visitors are coming.

Also you can see which browser do they use? Even you can know from which Operating System did they visit your site?

Really a good feature for knowing the demographics of your blog.

How to Use Blogger – Earnings

This is part from where you can use Adsense for your blog. I don’t have much experience of using this 😉 So sorry.

How to Use Blogger – Layout

You can add/remove widgets on your blog from here. You can arrange widgets which are already there.

Once you done arranging click on ‘Save arrangement’ and your settings would be saved.

My blog’s layout is too much complicated. I don’t want to confuse you. So I’m not showing a screenshot 😛

How to Use Blogger – Template

If you want to edit theme/template of your blog, you should land here. You can come here from Blogger > Drop-down Menu > Template.

See here a screenshot of our Template section.

You can edit your blog’s template by clicking on Edit HTML > Proceed. You can edit CSS/HTML of your blog from here to give it an awesome look.

If you aren’t good at coding then click on Customize. If you are not using a Template by Blogger, then it would not work. You must have to edit it via HTML.

Also Check: Best Blogger Widgets

If you want to Backup or Restore your blog’s template then take a look at right side top.

How to Use Blogger – Settings

The last section of blogger and the most complicated one too. I mean this section contains lots of options for your blog but don’t worry, I would explain each and every part.

How to Use Blogger – Settings > Basic

When you open Setting, you will be landed here. You can change the basic things of your blog from here.

At top there are options to edit your blog’s title and description and visibility.

After that there’s option for setting up your custom domain or change your current domain. If you are on a blogspot domain and want to switch to custom domain, then here’s the guide for it.

At bottom there is option to add/remove authors in your blog.

How to Use Blogger – Settings > Posts and comments

You can see settings about Posts and comments here.

In top there are:

Posts to show at main page (5 are preferred)

Post template (Depends on you)

Showcase images with lightbox (No is preferred, else depends on you)

In Comments options you can edit a little bit of your comment section.

If you want to show comments in the page then select ‘Embedded’ else depends on your wish.

You can set whether you want to moderate comments or not from here. Moderating always is better for security.

How to Use Blogger – Settings > Mobile and email settings

If you want to blog from mobile or email, then you can set it from here.

How to Use Blogger – Settings > Language and formatting

You can set language, timezone, date header format, timestamp format, etc. from here.

How to Use Blogger – Settings > Search preferences

This is a field where you can make your blog more search engine friendly.

First option is Meta Description, You have to set a little description of your blog which will show up in search engines.

Custom Page not found – In case someone landed on a page which he should not then if you set a custom 404 Page not found it will show up. See here some ready made 404 pages.

Custom Redirects – If you want to redirect to or anything else, then this will help you do that.

To set a custom redirect click on edit > New redirect. Fill up the fields per your requirements. Suppose you want to redirect to you have to fill up the fields like this:

From: /subscribe

To : /p/subscribe.html

Custom robots.txt and Custom robots header tags – You should use this feature with caution. Know more about robots.txt and robots header tags.

How to Use Blogger – Settings > Other

You can import, export or delete your blog from here.

You can edit your feeds settings from here too, such as feed url and feed allowance. You can add post feed footer from here too.

If you have Google Analytics then add your id at bottom of the page.

Some more tutorials

How to use Custom Permalinks for posts?

Create a new post, and see at right side in Post settings. There would be an option named Permalink. Click on it.

Now choose Custom Permalink and set your Permalink and click on Done and Publish your post.

Over to you

I’ve shared everything about blogger. Still if you have any doubts in your mind about Blogger, then leave a comment below, I would add it up here.



  1. Anonymous November 4, 2012
  2. Anonymous November 9, 2012

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