Top SEO-Friendly Technologies To Build Responsive Websites in 2023

build responsive websitesIn today’s digital age, the use of mobile devices is on the rise. That is why developing responsive websites is the need of the hour. It enables businesses to improve their conversion rates and stay competitive in the market.

However, using SEO technologies is vital to build responsive websites. While several technologies are available out there, selecting the right one can be a little confusing and challenging at the same time. In this article, we will explore the top SEO-friendly technologies to create responsive websites. 

Let’s dive in!

What is Responsive Web Design?

According to statistics,72 percent of consumers prefer using mobile-friendly websites. Therefore, to attract more traffic, businesses focus on leveraging responsive web design. Wondering what it is?

Well, responsive web design refers to an approach to developing websites offering an optimal viewing experience across devices like laptops, desktops, smartphones, and tablets. These responsive websites can automatically adjust as per the screen size of mobile devices. Moreover, it offers a consistent and seamless user experience to customers.

The flexible grids and layouts of responsive websites allow the content and images of web pages to fit on varied viewing devices. Therefore, visitors can navigate the website easily and view the content, irrespective of the mobile devices they’re using.

SEO-friendly Technologies to Build Responsive Websites 

  • Web Development Frameworks

Web development frameworks rank first on our list of SEO-friendly technologies for building responsive websites. Here are a few of the top-rated frameworks.

  • Vue.js

Vue.js is an incredible library that lets users use HTML for creating components, widgets, as well as other features. The best aspect of Vue.js is that you can reuse these features on multiple applications or web pages. Moreover, the library is lightweight and simple to use, which is an amazing benefit for developers. 

Besides, Vue.js has a single-file component-based architecture. The architecture is built on CSS, JavaScript, and HTML, making the development process easier and lowering the coding efforts of developers. Consequently, that helps save both their time and effort.

  • Next.js

Another popular web app development framework is Next.js, which helps developers build responsive applications and APIs faster. The framework splits the codes into smaller bundles that can be downloaded easily. Consequently, that lowers data usage and accelerates mobile browsing. 

Furthermore, Next.js enables developers to write CSS within a React component. Besides, it even simplifies the task of managing styles across different components. Next.js also enhances the loading speed of the web pages and offers an interactive experience to the users. 

  • Angular

Angular is an important web development framework that enables developers to build responsive websites conveniently. It allows building front-end apps without the use of any additional frameworks or plugins.

Moreover, Angular has several appealing features, one of which is its MVC architecture. The architecture enables two-way binding and makes accessing information easier for users. Besides, it simplifies the process of modifying data right from the UI of the application.

Other amazing features of Angular include code generation, code splitting, and well-designed templates. The framework is an ideal choice for responsive website development, as it helps create responsive web page layouts and improves the overall speed of websites.

  • .Net

This framework features libraries, tools, and languages that help develop high-performing, scalable, and contemporary websites. It helps build online applications that are capable of performing efficiently across different platforms. In simple words, the websites created using .Net work well on varied platforms such as Linux, Windows, macOS, etc.

  • Voice Search

Voice search has witnessed increased popularity since the evolution of AI and ML. Rather than typing their queries, the majority of customers now prefer doing a voice search. The technology helps the user save time and also ensures optimum convenience.

For that reason, Google ranks the sites that are voice search optimized higher on its search engine. Hence, don’t skip out on including conversational phrases and keywords in your website. That will enable users to locate your website easily and access relevant content.

  • CSS and HTML

HTML and CSS are the two most commonly used technologies during website development. HTML takes care of the structure and content of web pages. On the other hand, CSS is responsible for enhancing the layout and styling of the website content.

Using both CSS and HTML helps create responsive websites capable of functioning optimally across diverse devices.

Additionally, HTML and CSS help create user-friendly and visually attractive websites. That enables businesses to drive increased traffic and boost their conversion rates.

  • AI Chat Bots

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is trending nowadays. With customers expecting prompt customer support, many businesses are now inclined to use AI chatbots on their websites.

The ultimate goal of Google is to deliver maximum value to its users. Thus, it improves the ranking of those sites that help customers resolve their issues faster. 

The AI chatbots can understand the real intent behind the queries of the users. They use ML algorithms to get insights into a customer’s past interactions and accordingly provide them with valuable and relevant information.

Resultantly, it helps businesses offer a personalized experience to users that delights them to the core. AI and Chatbots are certainly becoming a trending technology in 2023.

  • AMP

AMP, or Accelerated Mobile Page, is a popular open-source project that helps create faster and more responsive websites. It improves the website load speed and also offers an impressive user experience to visitors. AMP enables the optimization of HTML codes to eliminate extraneous components affecting a website’s ability to load faster.

That, in turn, allows the visitors to access the desired content much faster and lowers the bounce rate. In addition, AMP-centric websites are easy to access across devices like smartphones, computers, tablets, etc.  

  • Content Management System

CMS, or Content Management System, is software that helps users produce and publish SEO friendly content. It comes equipped with pre-built templates. That helps in the development of responsive websites without any hassle. Moreover, it offers numerous plugins that help optimize the user experience on different devices.

The mobile-first design principle of the CMS systems also allows the creation of responsive websites effortlessly. It enables the developers to design websites even for the smallest screen sizes. However, it can even expand to fit larger screen sizes. 

  • Data Formats

Data formats are another SEO-friendly technology that helps build responsive websites. Wondering: What are data formats? Well, they are the structures used for storing data. The common data formats are XML, JSON, and CSV.

JSON allows for storing and exchanging data. On the other hand, CSV is helpful for Excel data. Moreover, XML is useful for Microsoft systems.


The demand for creating responsive websites is increasing more than ever before to thrive in this competitive era. So, now that you are aware of the SEO-friendly technologies to use while building responsive websites, it’s time to hire experts and get started with web development.

However, before you hire professional developers, you must have a clear idea of your unique requirements. Also, make sure to set a budget for the web development process. Moreover, understanding the latest trends is also vital.

With the right website developers, building responsive websites and attracting more web traffic becomes simple and easy. 

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