Here’s Why Copywriting is a Vital Part of Your Content Strategy

copywriting strategyMost entrepreneurs are usually technical people and don’t necessarily possess marketing prowess. As a result, their product ends up underselling despite ticking all the right boxes in terms of quality and service.

Even if they have good persuasive skills, selling through digital media is a whole other ballgame. This is where content marketing comes in. It bridges the gap between the consumer and the business.

Content marketing is the easiest way for businesses to expand their reach and find new audiences. It leverages social media, brochures, YouTube videos, vlogs, and of course, copywriting.

For many businesses, even if they don’t have an online component, having an active presence through a blog opens them to a world of opportunities.

Did you know that poor marketing is among the primary reasons why most startups fail?

The driving force behind content creation is simple: the more unique content you create, the more you will engage your audiences. The easiest form of content marketing, and perhaps the most rewarding, is copywriting.

Every successful content strategy has a copywriting component to it. Copywriting itself is an umbrella term that includes areas such as blogs, articles, ad copies (especially ad copies), and web copies.

When utilized effectively, a copywriting strategy can play the most important role in raising brand awareness and driving consumers into taking action.

The best way for any business to maximize sales and compete with the big leagues – even if they’re relatively unknown and obscure – is to take advantage of quality copywriting.

Copywriting works because it ties in all the important marketing tactics that deal in consumer psychology, and appeals to prospects on an emotional level, resonating with their interests.

While it is true that video content and infographics as a whole are easier to consume and retain short attention spans for longer, they don’t have nearly the same reach as copywriting.

Copywriting is everywhere, be it brochures, websites, advertisements, catalogs, emails, and most importantly, search engines. Search engines allow you to cast the widest possible net.

So why is copywriting so important for your business?

Search Engine Optimization

SEO.This is the single biggest reason why most businesses spend a considerable portion of their marketing budget to invest in copywriting.

The organic traffic generated because of copywriting more than makes up for your investment on all fronts. SEO, when done right, can generate a constant stream of traffic comprised of quality prospects.

The idea is simple: when a prospect searches for a query, often those with clear commercial intent, your website’s URL should appear on the first page of search results.

This will communicate two things to the prospect: trustworthiness and domain expertise. They are still searching for relevant information on their product, and may not necessarily buy your product.

But after they’re done reading your highly informative blogs, your brand will subconsciously enter into their minds whenever they decide it’s time to buy the product or service.

Copywriting Improves User Experience

Professional copywriting services can provide highly informative content in any niche and write long-form blog posts that are relative, informative, and personalized. This type of content has a significant impact on your readers because it builds loyalty and trust with your brand.

Over time, your blog’s presence will establish your footing as an expert in your business and they will get to share your content on social media and start to raise brand awareness.

If users end up liking your blog, they will respond by sharing it with their friends over social media. In other words, good copywriting is like free advertisement since you’re getting quoted by everyone.

Copywriting Perfectly Defines Your Services

The basic rule of thumb when writing a copy is simple: never oversell a product.

Instead, try to resonate with the audience’s pain points and somehow find a way to emphasize the benefits of the product instead of its feature. This is important because most consumers don’t necessarily care about the features as they do about its benefits.

This is because of all the technical jargon that typically goes into defining product features, all of which go over the average person’s head.

Simply laying out your product’s benefits in a monotonous and repetitive pattern will drive consumers away from your landing page.

The Basic Rule in Context

Here’s a good example of what we’re talking about:

Suppose there is a mechanical keyboard with lots of interesting features including RGB lighting, swappable switches, and wireless capability.

How will you go about advertising and defining its features in your ad copy?

Here’s a relatively straightforward, no-nonsense approach:

“Buy this generic mechanical keyboard to get:

  • RGB lighting
  • Swappable switches
  • Wireless capability”

The problem with this copy is that it merely contains a list of features and not a product description that identifies with client needs.

While product features have their place in an advertisement, they are only used toshow people what’s included in a product, they’re not going to convince people to buy your product.

People care more about the benefit derived from the features. These benefits have to be fully fleshed out in a detailed product description.

A Product Description Example

Here’s a great example of a product description:

“The folks at [company name] care about every single keystroke you press. We know how boring it can be to use a single switch for the remainder of your keyboard’s lifespan.

It can be an expensive to replace a keyboard just to try out a new switch. This is why all our keyboards are hot-swappable allowing you to choose between Cherry, Gateron, Kalih, and other popular options.”

Next, the copy could discuss product durability, key caps, wireless capability and so on.

Of course, when writing an ad copy, you have to be mindful of the word limit given to you by the platform. A blog can go on endlessly. But an ad copy on Google Ads or Bing Ads will only give you a limited space to work with.

A good copywriter will make use of every single character to convey the soul and spirit of the product. For example:

“Durable Mechanical Keyboard – Same Day Shipping – Hot Swappable”

Notice how specific and to-the-point the ad copy is? And it’s not entirely boring either.

When the user clicks the Ad Link, they will be taken to the product page. This is where your product copy will play its role in further convincing the user that your website is the ideal place to spend money.

Copywriting is flexible and adaptable. In the right hands and with the right strategy, it can become your source of endless sales.

Why it’s Better to Outsource Copywriting Services

So here’s the big deal. An entrepreneur has a million tasks to juggle all at once. They work on a tight schedule and have numerous roles to fill in from different departments such as quality control, sales, product design, marketing, and so on.

You can’t let copywriting affect the productivity of your team. It can be tough and extremely time-consuming to write a well-researched, succinct copy.

Many entrepreneurs decide to tough it out through the hardships and keep writing. But they end up burning themselves out and give up on the idea copywriting entirely. Not a good idea because most businesses fail due to bad marketing choices (or non-existing marketing).


The best course of action is to hire a professional copywriter who will take away the burden of writing from you. Your copywriter will write quickly and succinctly, capturing the core idea of your message, and to much higher quality standards than someone whose job it isn’t.

Don’t have the time to personally write product copies, ad copies, and blogs? Hire experienced copywriting services to do this for you!