How to Increase Page Rank – Top 7 Killer Tips

PageRank is a link analysis algorithm used by Google to measure relative importance of a webpage. How to increase Page Rank – is asked most by webmasters and bloggers. Because the more Page Rank = the more Authority on the Web.

How is Page Rank calculated?

The more quality sites linking to you, means the more Page Rank for you. You can understand it from the info graphic above. Some 1.6% websites are linking to E and E is linking to B. E is also linking to D and D is again linking to B. B is getting largest links from all websites, thus a great PageRank. Almost every links are linking to B and B and C are linking to each other. So C got a great PR Juice too.

I know this is a bit difficult to understand, but you’ll understand it. I will teach you the tips, following the above infographic, on how to increase page rank.

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Page Rank is not updated daily or weekly, but Once in a period of 3-4 months. Page Rank is calculated on a scale of 0 – 10 for any webpage. Page Rank is different for every webpage, not a domain but every page from a webpage have different Page Ranks. One funny thing is that Google itself doesn’t have PR 10 (It has PR 9). So it is clear that getting a Good Page Rank is not easy as 1 2 3.

How to Increase Page Rank

I’m going to share tips to increase your website’s Page Rank and get better authority in the field. Read them carefully and implement in your own websites.

Get More Backlinks from High Authority Sites

Page Rank is a game of backlinks. The higher quality backlinks you get = the more Page Rank juice for you. This is absolutely essential! You can get backlinks via different strategies like Blog Commenting, Guest Posting and Directory Submission.

Blog Commenting

Blog commenting is one of the easy methods to get backlinks from blogs. Nowadays, most of the blogs are using Comluv plugin so you’ll get 2 backlinks in return for one comment. If you are struggling to find Comluv enabled blogs then please stop: I’ve a great list of Commentluv Enabled blogs:

Huge Commentluv Enabled Blogs List.

Go here and find High PR Commentluv enabled blogs and build back links from them.

Guest Posting

Guest posting is also a very effective way to build relations and backlinks from authority sites. Find blogs having good Page Rank and guest blog on them. You’ll earn dofollow backlinks in return.

Directory Submission & Profiles

Submit your blogs on various Article Directory and Weblog directories. They will reward you with a “DoFollow” backlink in return.

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Some of the social media networks give dofollow backlinks to your site in your profile. So sign up for social networks and earn high PR dofollow backlinks. Pinterest is one of them. Go and verify your site in Pinterest and you’ll earn a dofollow backlink from them.

Social Bookmarking

Be active on Social Bookmarking. Share your blog posts in various social networks and get high traffic and PR juice. Some of major social bookmarking sites are :

  • Facebook
  • Google+
  • StumbleUpon(Great Traffic Source too)
  • Digg
  • Pinterest

Outbound links and Inbound Links

Outbound links are the links from your website to any other website. Inbound links are links pointing to your webpage and are commonly known as backlinks. Inbound links that are “dofollow” play a major role in getting good rank in search engines as well as obtaining a good Page Rank. Try to get backlinks from Wikipedia , .gov and .edu sites. These are the most reputed sites with high PR Juice. If you get backlinks from them, your site’s Page Rank will probably get boosted.

Don’t link to any bad sites such as Casino Sites, Gambling Sites etc. It will decrease your reputation and Page Rank. So stay far away from them. There’s no harm to link to reputed sites, but keep your outbound links number limited.

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Try to get more inbound links. A trick for getting more “inbound” backlinks is to provide premium services for free such as Blogger to WordPress migration, Web designing, Logo Designing etc. and ask for a backlink in return.

Also interlink to your other posts and webpages. This is a very effective tip to increase Page Rank.

Some Other Tips on How to Increase Page Rank

Here are some miscellaneous tips to increase Page Rank.

Clean HTML5 Structure

Try to keep your site clean from HTML structure errors and warnings. Check HTML structure errors and warnings via W3 Validator. This factor also affects Page Rank.

Fast Loading Time

Try to keep your site loading time fast. Google loves fast loading sites, thus this is helpful for obtaining a good Page Rank. Use Pingdom Tools to check your site’s loading time and to find out which file is causing the most loading time.

What are your suggestions?

I hope you will surely get a handsome page rank after reading this. (I know you are smart). If I’ve forgotten any major bullet point, then please inform me via a comment below. It will certainly add value to this article! 🙂

I hope you liked my top 7 killer tips on how to increase Page Rank!