How to Promote Facebook Pages for Maximum Exposure and Likeability

As I’m sure you know, Facebook is considered to be the most widely used social networking site today. This platform has certainly revolutionized how global socialization goes. Nearly everybody has a Facebook account and many people spend hours scrolling through their Facebook news feed.

It is becoming apparent that popularity in Facebook is starting to become a chief basis of how social status and acceptance are strengthened. Many people are also striving to figure out how to promote Facebook pages for maximum exposure and likeability.

There are actually a lot of ways to make your account stand out. In order to draw more friends, likers and followers, people usually make their photos or videos more worthwhile. This is by posting photographic images that most likely capture every viewer’s eyes.

Also, some people publish meaningful posts that people find striking. This can be in the form of Facebook status, videos, or images with the most quotable quotes. These common means can be applicable to individuals who want to make a name on Facebook or to those who want to gather more followers for the sake of social gratification.

Nevertheless, a lion share of the Facebook population is also filled with entrepreneurs, brand advertisers, and other businesses who want to get their products or services noticed via Facebook Marketing.

Social media is undoubtedly becoming a potent source of potential clients for these entrepreneurial entities. For businesspeople, it is simply a wise choice to activate a thorough marketing plan in a platform where globally-spread prospects constantly flock.

And since Facebook has over a billion active users, this figure naturally only shows how much potential Facebook marketing carries. Among all social media, Facebook is indeed an arena worth penetrating.

Here’s how to promote Facebook pages to bring forth the best results for you or your company:

 1. Sign into your personal account.

Sign into your personal account

Sign into your personal account

To start your Facebook marketing journey, sign in to your Facebook account and click on “Create an Ad” located in the drop-down menu right next to the Home button. You can see this at the upper right-hand part of the main news feed screen.

Businesses do not really require a Facebook page to start advertising, but the advertising campaign manager would need a personal account to create, manage, and pay for the ads. However, the ads do not actually link to your personal profile.

 2. Select what to advertise.

Select what to advertise

Select what to advertise

Facebook would like to know what the ad should link to. You may link users to your company website or blog, or direct them to your Facebook page.

3. Choose an advertising goal.

Choose an advertising goal

Choose an advertising goal

After selecting where your ad should link to, decide what exactly you want to achieve. If you’d like to establish your social media presence by drawing fans to an FB page, choose “Get more Page Likes”.

If you’d like to promote your content on Facebook in the forms of blog posts, select “Promote Page Posts”. If you’d like to generate more traffic to your website, click “See Advanced Options”.

4. Design your ad.

Design your ad

Design your ad

Let the design begin. Facebook ads contain a brief 25 characters for the headline and 90 characters for the description, along with a thumbnail image.

Facebook has a default suggestion on what to write. However, it would be better to customize it to make sure it fits your target audience well. Your content can be updated anytime, so no worries about trial and error.

Your images need to be exactly 100 by 72 pixels, so make sure to use an image that stays clear despite being displayed in a smaller format. This is the image size recommendation of Facebook, although they’ll automatically resize it for you. Moreover, take time to study Facebook’s advertising guidelines so you can know the exact dos and don’ts.

5. Target your ad.

Target your ad

Target your ad

The best thing about Facebook is that you can narrow down your audience according to their gender, age, location, languages, interests, and so on. In this way, you can also set the number of people you’d like as your audience.

This is especially helpful for laser-targeting prospects for your company or fans for your audience.

6. Set the name, schedule, and pricing.

Set the name, schedule, and pricing

Set the name, schedule, and pricing

Now, let’s decide on a name for your campaign. Type in a unique name which has something to do with what you’re trying to target. Also, wisely set your budget and your schedule and decide how much money you’re willing to invest for your ad.

You can choose a daily budget or you can also opt for a lump sum of the total spending as the ad starts to run. Payment can be either per click (you pay each time a user clicks on your ads) or per thousand impressions (you pay each time a thousand people see your ad).

When starting out, you should use the “cost per click” option. A good practice is to bid a little over the suggested bid price that Facebook recommends. This doesn’t mean you’ll end up paying that amount; it just increases the chance of your ad being shown to more people.

The idea is to get as high a “Click Through Rate” (CTR) as possible by using images that stand out, writing attention-getting copy and being as specific as possible with the targeting of your ads.

If you follow this course and design excellent ads that get people’s attention and that entice them to click on your ads, you will attain a high click through rate. This will ultimately result in the cost of your ad campaign going down significantly, and don’t be surprised to see your cost per click end up being much lower than the amount you bid in the first place!

You may set the ads to run continually or for a specific time period. The minimum amount you can spend is $1 per day, and the cost expands depending on the budget you set.

7. Settle payment.

Settle payment

Settle payment

After the submission of your initial ad, Facebook will ask you for your payment details. Payment methods range from credit card, PayPal, direct debit, or even a Facebook Ad coupon. Billing occurs on a monthly basis.

8. Constantly monitor your ad campaign.

Constantly monitor your ad campaign

Constantly monitor your ad campaign

You can oversee the process in Facebook’s Ads manager tool. This can be accessed from the left-hand corner of your personal Facebook account. This area shows you explicit details about your ad campaign, such as your schedule, budget, spending, etc.

When you click the ad campaign feature, you can access your dashboard which shows much more details, like performance metrics and a detailed evaluation of your ad’s progress shown in graphs.

Here, you can see the number of people who have viewed your ad, the number of times your ad has shown up in the newsfeed, the click-through rates, and so on. Two of the most important metrics are the actions (showing the people who interact with your ad) and clicks (showing what you are paying for).

9. Create a report.

Create a report

Create a report

You may export reports via the Reports tab within the ads manager section. These comprise of HTML files or spreadsheets which show assessment and comparison data.

This offers intricate information that can help you make better decisions on how to adjust your ad campaign, like the demographics of the people that have clicked on your ads and other vital details.

10. Manage your ads and tweak as you go.

Manage your ads and tweak as you go

Manage your ads and tweak as you go

If your ad is not performing well, modify the features by choosing the campaign that it belongs to. You can increase or reduce your bid, edit the text, or adjust your target audience, for instance.

Something as simple as changing the image for your ad can make a huge difference to the performance of your campaign. This is why it’s a good practice to upload as many relevant images as possible for your ad (10-20 for each ad is a good range) and run several ads at the same time that have the same copy (or words), but have a different image for each ad.

Then you can pause the ads containing the images that are not performing, and scale up the ads with the images that are getting you high click-through rates. 🙂


Facebook advertising is really not all that complicated. It may cost a bit when you first start out, but these costs will decrease over time, especially as you become better at getting high click-through rates.

One final tip: Facebook does not want to see you taking the eyes of their audience away from Facebook on to pages of your website or to other places outside of their platform. So ads that direct their users to places like your Facebook page will get rewarded with much lower cost per click fees.

In fact, it’s not unusual to see Facebook “Sponsored Posts” Ads with CPCs as low as a penny!

If you use the above techniques, remembering to always be tweaking your ads and tracking their performance, then you will surely attract a massive audience who will embrace your Facebook page and highly engage with it.

For more detailed insight into how to promote Facebook pages to maximize your results, you may want to take a look at a popular online course, called “FBInfluence”, by the well-known Facebook marketer, Andrea Vahl. This is for those of you who really want to grow a vibrant community of raving fans!

Are you still wondering how to promote Facebook pages, or do you think you have enough info to finally get going?

Is there anything you can add that I missed?

Let me know with your comments below!

About the Author

Sheena Mathieson

Sheena Mathieson

Sheena Mathieson strives to provide content specifically tailored to online businesses. With the content she creates, she spices up your marketing campaign and then turbo charges it with the services of Buy Real Marketing.




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How to Promote Facebook Pages

How to Promote Facebook Pages






Image source: author-owned

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