Tag: email marketing
To this day, email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to convert your target audience to customers. Statistics say more than 300 billion emails are sent …
Email marketing is one of the mainstays in the marketer’s toolbox. It’s an inexpensive way to reach a wide audience. How effective is email marketing in its current format, …
Jori Hamilton
September 10, 2019
Blogger, Blogging Apps, Blogging Platforms, Blogging Tips, Content Marketing, How to Become a Blogger, How to Make Content go Viral, How to Monetize Your Blog, Traffic Tips, Website Optimization, Writing Tips
Blogs are an excellent way to engage your website readership and offer them something in return for their loyalty to your website. However, managing a blog can be a …
The money’s in the list. That’s what they say. For many internet marketers, building a strong email list is the way to make money online. We’re going to look …
Email marketing has proven to be an effective advertising strategy throughout the years. However, a tool is only as effective as the person who wields it. Even if there …
Marketing success is a moving target. As people’s lifestyles change, advertising practices also have to evolve to stay relevant to their audience. A few years ago, email marketing used …