6 Strategies to Build a Massive Online Following (in 2018)

build online following

Whether you are a marketer, a blog writer, business owner or anything, it’s very important to have an online following in 2018 and beyond.

Today, almost every person on the internet is a social media addict and now these sites are an integral part of almost every person on the internet.

Having an online following comes with lots of benefits such as a massive traffic to wherever you want. Also, your online following plays a major part in determining your expertise in your niche.

That’s why all the top-notch brands spend millions of dollars advertising on social media sites to gain a legitimate social following.

In this overcrowded market with top brands spending millions of dollars, it seems impossible to become an authority figure from zero with very low or no budget for advertising.

Here, in this blog post, you will learn some crucial tactics you need to follow to build a massive online following from zero without spending anything.

Tap the Untapped Innovations

It’s useless spending time on the methods which are used by big brands as you cannot compete with them while starting from zero.

That’s the exact reason for you to think of some untapped methods which aren’t affected by big brands yet.

All big companies compete with each other and as a result, hundreds of new features and products are launched by these companies every month.

Like Facebook recently came up with its new innovation Facebook Watch which is all about watching videos and T.V shows on Facebook. Through this Facebook is trying to get recognized as the new YouTube.

So, these big brands leverage people with their new innovations. Nobody would ever move to Facebook Watch when they already have a bigger platform to watch, YouTube.

So, Facebook has launched its Facebook Watch which allows you to post videos.

Also, if you publish videos on Facebook Watch which you were going to post on YouTube then Facebook will push on your videos and will land you up with tons of instant views.

This is because Facebook will love your videos on their platform rather than YouTube because they want to compete with YouTube.

Similarly, all these big social media sites try to compete with each other and push brand new innovation on their platform every single day.

Above all these, big brands do not care to spend their time on these new innovations as they already have tons of following.

That’s the perfect time when you can use these new innovations to gain instant followers by tapping on them before anyone else.

Market with Established People (Interesting Way)

People spend hours and hours on social media sites getting very less ROI (Return on Investment). But, why should you waste your time starting all again when you have already established people to help you out.

But, the problem is that every person wants their stuff to be promoted by these people. So, if you really want these people to help you gain an online following then you need to discover something new and interesting.

The best method which works here is Email Marketing.

It’s because almost every new person starting out messages other Influencers to promote them. But, there are very fewer people who do email marketing for the same.

You might have seen people doing email outreach for guest posting, getting backlinks, etc. But, there are very fewer people who do email outreach for social media promotion.

So, if someone does this then it looks new and appealing to the Influencers you are mailing out. Also, if you help them out and know proper ways to do email outreach you can win this shot.

Also, while working with influencers you will start building your friendly relationships with them. This will help you become even more recognized and trusted in your niche.

Guest Posting

One of the biggest myth is that guest posting is just a way to get traffic and backlinks to your website.

The truth is that a guest post can be used to accomplish whatever you want from it. The only thing you need to do is to create a call to action at the right place to squeeze the maximum ROI.

Instead of writing your guest post to focus on just getting some traffic and backlinks think of some long-term beneficial way.

Most of the websites which accept guest posts allow you to include links to your social profiles in your bio area. This is a great way for you to get instant followers on your social profiles.

Also, guest posting helps you establish your supremacy in your niche and once you establish that you will automatically begin to attract lots of new followers interested in your niche.

Promote Other People’s Content

It’s always better to keep your social pages updated with fresh content 3-4 times a day. But you are not a machine or a big organization with lots of workers who will produce this much content daily.

So, to update your pages regularly it’s better you share and promote contents related to your niche which is written by other people.

For this, you can look at what’s the need of your audience and then decide the best possible content you can share with your audience regardless of who has produced that content.

Also, after this, you may also reach out people telling them that you shared their content and they can do the same if they want too.

Many people might be interested in sharing your content with their audience as well. This uncovers a lot more potential for you to gain an online fan following in the initial stage.

Focusing on Video Marketing

Videos are the most wanted stuff these days and these days the video industry is growing like anything.

That’s why YouTube is the second most popular search engine in the world and that’s why Facebook is trying to replicate YouTube.

Making videos for your topics are a great way to tap into tons of new traffic and social following on your profiles. These days’ people love watching videos as they are easy to understand.

Also, by making videos you can make even better connections with your audience. At the same time, you will confirm that you are a real human and not any robot or computerized human.

This will leverage audience even more towards you and indirectly towards your social profile. Also, video marketing is not as much complicated as it looks and getting traffic on your videos is easier than any blog post, article, etc.

Use Hashtags in Your Post

When you have zero online followers’ base it’s very hard to tell people about you. One of the easiest ways you can tell lots of people about you is by using hashtags with your content.

Just uploading content is not much for reaching the audience. Instead, using hashtags can help you appear on the top results for people searching for your hashtags.

Almost every big brand uses hashtags with the contents they upload on their social profiles. Through this, these brands unlock even wider opportunities for them.

So, you should try finding some top trending hashtags and start using them with your contents. Believe me, this can be one of the most successful strategies if followed regularly.


Social media is much more than what people think of it and that’s why top brands invest their money and time building their online following.

Also, all the above strategies are practically tested and they showed results and will show the same insane results for you as well.

The only thing you need to do is that you need to follow these strategies consistently and loyally. Slowly, they will show you results which will be your massive online fan following.

Also, while building a social following for yourself you also need to consider yourself as a brand.

For this, you can analyze what other people and big brands are doing in order to get maximum ROI and try to do the same if possible.

This was the only recipe you need to cook for your massive online fan following. If you have any query regarding the topic you can comment down below.