The Secret to Creating a Beautiful WordPress Pricing Table for Your Site

wordpress pricing tableFor a service-based business, a WordPress pricing table is a must for your website. And it’s easy to boil it down to a simplified conclusion like that.

However, it does take more than just some details and prices to get your site’s visitors (and potential customers) interested in signing up and making a purchase.

A WordPress pricing table should:

  1. Provide a side-by-side breakout of the various services or products you provide.
  2. Include a detailed list of all the features that come with each service tier.
  3. Price out each tier or package for transparency and to demonstrate the increasing value of each.
  4. Integrate with your shopping cart software or redirect to a landing page built specifically to convert.
  5. Reinforce the brand’s professional image with a high-quality design.

It will be easy enough for you to take care of compiling details for the first four points above – the design part is where it can get tricky.

Obviously, you want your pricing table to look just as fantastic as the rest of your website.

After all, the level of attention to detail and the overall quality should be reflective of the kind of work that you offer.

But how do you do that if you don’t have any design or coding experience?

Well, thankfully you’ve come to the right place: with WordPress.

There are plenty of developers and designers who have already thought about this.

So you don’t have to worry about being a world-class designer or hiring a professional developer to get a beautiful-looking WordPress pricing table for your business services.

All you need to do is come up with the information that goes into it, and then use a plugin to lay it out for you.

7 Best WordPress Pricing Table Plugins (Free and Premium)

Before jumping into this list of WordPress pricing table plugins, let’s take a moment to break down what exactly it is that you’ll need from the plugin:

  • High-quality and eye-catching design
  • Multiple design template and layout options to choose from and/or customize
  • Easy-to-follow side-by-side comparisons
  • Clear and bold call-to-action at the bottom of each column
  • Ability to put emphasis on any one of the columns (if there’s a product or service you want to push over all the others)

At the end of the day, you want this plugin to save you time in trying to create this WordPress pricing table by yourself.

You also want it to greatly improve the experience of navigating through your sales funnel so that increased conversions are the inevitable result.

So, what you need to do now is find a plugin that fits your needs, which includes any budgetary restraints you may have.

If cost is a concern and you’re already paying for a premium theme, I’d suggest starting there.

I know that Elegant Themes’ Divi includes a built-in pricing table module that looks and works just as well as most of the WordPress plugins that do the same thing.

So if you can get that functionality out of your theme, definitely go that route.

The following list includes 7 of the best free and premium WordPress pricing table plugins worth checking out in 2017.

ARPrice Plugin


Free or Premium: Premium


  • Over 200 table templates
  • Over 700 Google fonts
  • Over 2,400 icons
  • Unlimited colors
  • Unlimited columns
  • Fully responsive
  • Visual composer tool
  • Toggle between monthly and yearly pricing
  • Animation effects
  • Background images
  • Ribbons to advertise sales
  • PayPal integration
  • Translation ready
  • Google Maps integration
  • Analytics

More Information

CSS3 Responsive WordPress Compare Pricing Tables Plugin

CSS3 Plugin

Free or Premium: Premium


  • Two table styles
  • 20 predefined color palettes
  • Over 40 icons
  • 60 ribbons included
  • Various fonts available
  • Intuitive admin panel
  • Responsive mode option
  • Sliding columns option
  • CSS3 tooltips option
  • Unlimited tables
  • Unlimited columns or rows
  • Adjustable table widths, font sizes, etc.

More Information

Easy Pricing Tables Plugin

Easy Pricing Tables

Free or Premium: Premium


  • 10 design templates
  • Fully customizable tables
  • Responsive design
  • Tooltips included
  • Analytics integration
  • Pricing toggles for different payment plans
  • Shopping cart integration

More Information

Go Pricing Plugin

Go Pricing

Free or Premium: Premium


  • Intuitive admin panel
  • Responsive design optional
  • Over 250 table designs in classic and clean styles
  • 39 transitions and animations
  • Over 2000 icons
  • CSS ribbons included
  • Google fonts included
  • Unlimited tables
  • Up to 10 columns
  • Unlimited buttons
  • Customizable table settings
  • Supports video and image integration
  • Google Map integration
  • PayPal button integration

More Information

Pricing Table by PickPlugins Plugin


Free or Premium: Free


  • Unlimited tables
  • Unlimited columns or rows
  • Unlimited ribbons
  • Customizable text and background color for header and price boxes
  • Allows for featured column
  • Background image optional
  • Tooltip integration
  • Supports video and image integration

More Information

Pricing Table by Supsystic Plugin


Free or Premium: Free


  • Drag-and-drop builder
  • Responsive table designs
  • Unlimited tables, columns, and rows
  • Tooltips included
  • Images and videos supported
  • Customizable headers, features, and buttons
  • Customizable background colors
  • Customizable font sizes

More Information

Responsive Pricing Table Plugin

Responsive Pricing

Free or Premium: Free


  • Color customization
  • Additional fields available
  • Recommended plan highlights
  • Custom payment button integration
  • Multiple currency support
  • Translation ready

More Information

How to Add a High-Quality Pricing Table to Your WordPress Site

Once you’ve found the pricing table plugin that works best for your needs, use the following step-by-step guide to get that table up and on your site, ready to sell your customers on your services and products.

For the purposes of this guide, I’m using the WordPress Pricing Table by Supsystic plugin.

Step 1:

Install and activate your plugin.

Step 2:

Step 2

Go to the Pricing Table plugin on your sidebar and click on Show All Tables.

Step 3:

Step 3

Click on Add New Table. Create a name for your table and select the design you want to use.

Step 4:

Step 4

Make all your customizations in this next screen. This includes:

  • Number of columns and rows
  • Font
  • Font color
  • Background color
  • Addition or removal of extra columns and rows
  • Activation of animation
  • Text and table alignment
  • Responsivity

And you can edit all your text in the visual composer down below. When you’re done, click Save.

Step 5:

Step 5

Copy the shortcode for the new pricing table. Go to the page where you want to add the table, click on the Text editor, and paste in the shortcode.

Save your changes and then publish the page!


Now that you’ve got yourself a WordPress pricing table plugin and know how to go about setting up a new WordPress pricing table for your site, let me leave you with a little food for thought.

Kissmetrics compiled these psychological studies related to pricing.

Even if you’ve already created your packages and defined your pricing, you may find something in here that inspires you to tweak your pricing just a bit.

You’d never know what kind of small changes could affect the number of conversions you make.

About the Author

Nathan Oulman loves to write around the web on any technical topic. He also loves to manage his site

Featured image:

wordpress pricing table



Image courtesy of KROMKRATHOG at