8 Tricks that Give Your Website the Competitive Edge

The online world is constantly trying to grab the user’s attention. Whether it is creating a user-friendly website or using strong search engine optimization, there are many tricks in the book to give your website the edge over competitors.

But even if you manage to draw in customers through SEO tricks, you have less than 15 seconds to impress your website visitors.

People will leave if your website fails to impress or seems too boring. High bounce rates not only affect your revenue but also damage your ratings in search engines in the long run.

So, how can you create a website that is memorable and informative?

Here are some tips and tricks that can help your website stand out from the crowd while engaging prospective clients at the same time:

Optimize your website speed

There is nothing more frustrating than a slow loading website.

According to a survey conducted by Akamai and Gomez.com, more than 50% of internet users expect a website to load within 2 seconds or less and abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load.

With the rise of mobile and hand-held devices, people prefer websites that are compatible on different platforms. And if they don’t get fast results, they usually bounce.

According to a statistic by Section.io, even a small delay of five seconds can increase your bounce rate by 20%.

Start with compressing all your images before you upload them. Image file size is one of the main reasons behind a slow-loading website.

Use a lot of white space

Many visitors complain that they find it hard to navigate through cluttered websites. Having plenty of white space around your website content gives the visitor a much-needed breather.

Good design makes sure that your content is more legible and helps the user to focus on all the elements of the website.

According to research by Crazy Egg, white space around titles and text can increase user attention up to 20%.

What’s more, it also makes your website look modern and clean. Take a look at the website Sara Does SEO and see how she uses a lot of white space to enhance the design and user experience.

Use catchy headlines

The first thing a visitor reads on your website is the headline. Make sure that it is catchy and drives potential customers to click on the call to action buttons.

Include relevant keywords in the headlines as they help you attract targeted customers.

Even search engines filter content through headings over other content. So, choosing the right heading can help your website achieve higher rankings and improve your searchability.

For best results, hire a content creation service that is known for its quality.

Tilde has an interesting landing page where they use to design, color,and catchy headlines to attract users instantly.

Be interactive

One of the best ways to increase interaction on your website is to add a Live Chat feature. It helps you address the visitors concerns immediately and makes them feel cared for.

Moreover, research by Forrester shows that having a live chat customer service on your website can reduce phone expenses by up to 30%.

Another study by the American Marketing Association shows that live chat can increase your website conversion rate by at least 20%.

So, add the live chat feature on your website if you haven’t done it already!

Show your team

People are more likely to trust your brand if they know what’s happening behind the scenes.

After all, people love to do business with brands that are more approachable and humane. Add a human touch to your website by creating a team page.

If your team is culturally diverse and unique, your website will get bonus points.

Team pages help your website rank even higher in search engine rankings because your website will pop up even if someone searches for an individual team member instead of your company name.

Read this blog post by Amasty to find out more about the best team pages of 2017.

Add a thank you page

This is one of the most overlooked aspects, yet effective trick in the book to keep your customers engaged.

A simple ‘thank you’ page gives your website visitor the opportunity to sign up for a newsletter, download a complimentary ebook/coupon code or write a review.

It’s a great way to increase engagement and can act as a great platform to maintain your WordPress CRM plugin.

Once you have all the required data, you can add it to your CRM system to manage leads and contacts in a much better way.

Not only will it boost your sales but will also help you maintain better relationships with your customers/

Add user reviews

Adding reviews of existing customers will help new users in their decision process and increase your website’s search engine rankings because of the diverse keywords.

Some of the best practices to add user reviews to your website is to make the process as simple as possible.

Ask your customers to review the product through email shortly after they have purchased it.

Don’t forget to address negative reviews and thank the loyal customers leaving positive reviews.

Add internal links

Never let your visitors hit a dead end on your website. Always keep them and the search engine robots moving from one page to another.

Leave call to action buttons wherever they are required, for example, add a ‘contact us’ button on your services page.

Suggested read: effective internal linking strategies.


Remember, your website has to be the perfect combination of compelling content and appealing design to make a lasting impression on visitors and to gain a competitive edge over other brands.

So, design a careful content strategy that genuinely helps your visitor and provides informative material instead of blatantly advertising your company and its services.

How do you design your brand’s content strategy to create a user-friendly online presence?

What are the elements that help your website stand out from competitors’?